So ... I had an "episode" last week while I was babysitting the grand kids. I call it an "episode" because I'm not sure what else to call it, other than my body continuing its rebellion, even as I am giving it good things, like healthy food and plenty of water, stretching exercises and the occasional walk. This "episode," that happened whilst I was just sitting, playing UNO with the kids, consisted of my heart "flopping" (for lack of a better description) in my chest, followed by an immediate flush of redness/heat up to my face/head and a feeling that I might lose consciousness. That feeling passed after about five minutes, but not before my oldest granddaughter called 911.
This was, in fact, a repeat of an "episode" I had last February, while I was at the office. Also, during a time of simply sitting, working at my desk. That episode earned me a ride to the emergency room with the paramedics. I declined a similar ride last week and choose, instead, to follow up with my doctor, which, I will be doing tomorrow. By the way, just for the record, I do not recommend at any time going against the advice of medical professionals who, in an emergency situation, want to transport you to the hospital. Whenever they want to take you to the ER, and you have the coverage for it, you should probably let them.
So why did I not follow my own advice? It's complicated and it's something I'm working on. This road I'm traveling toward health is not just about food for me. I am learning about taking care of myself in more ways than what I eat. I'm learning about letting go of fears ... some fears that have plagued me since childhood. It is uncovering some issues that have been hidden a long time and some I didn't even realize I had ... things that are not going to change overnight, or even in a matter of weeks. But it's not a sprint, it's a marathon ... a journey of the physical, emotional and spiritual. And, not necessarily, in that order.
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Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Caveat Emptor
You would think a doctor, a trained medical professional, would not prescribe to a diabetic a medication that raises blood sugar, would you not?! Am I crazy in thinking this is absolutely ludicrous?! But that's exactly what happened to me a couple weeks back. I didn't realize it, however, until many days later when I discovered my fasting glucose was skyrocketing again. Not due to the whole, plant based foods I have been ingesting. Oh no, this way of eating has already proved itself by lowering my fasting glucose over 100 points within a few days of beginning. The elevation, I discovered, was most likely due to a new anti-inflammatory medication that I had begun taking following my last doctor's appointment. A supposedly better (so my doctor said) pill that I put into my body without educating myself to the possible side effects ... that because I was in so much pain I was pretty much willing to take anything.
After (finally) researching it the morning I discovered the change in my levels, I found that Meloxicam does have the possible side effects of elevating blood glucose levels as well as blood pressure. This, friends, is exactly why you need to take your healthcare into your own hands! Most doctors are not into curing diseases, but simply managing symptoms. And, it's not necessarily their fault. A lot of them have not been taught about the benefits of a plant based diet in curing disease. A lot of them, in fact, have been misled by the pharmaceutical companies that make big bucks off the peddling of their merchandise ... at the expense of us, the consumer. "Caveat emptor" let the buyer beware! Yes, in the business of our healthcare, we are definitely consumers. Educate yourself, take control, be blessed!
After (finally) researching it the morning I discovered the change in my levels, I found that Meloxicam does have the possible side effects of elevating blood glucose levels as well as blood pressure. This, friends, is exactly why you need to take your healthcare into your own hands! Most doctors are not into curing diseases, but simply managing symptoms. And, it's not necessarily their fault. A lot of them have not been taught about the benefits of a plant based diet in curing disease. A lot of them, in fact, have been misled by the pharmaceutical companies that make big bucks off the peddling of their merchandise ... at the expense of us, the consumer. "Caveat emptor" let the buyer beware! Yes, in the business of our healthcare, we are definitely consumers. Educate yourself, take control, be blessed!
Dr. John McDougall is a pioneer in the whole food plant based way of curing disease. Visiting his web site is a great way to start educating yourself for better health.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
It's My (Pity) Party and I'll Cry if I Want To
I am discouraged (and pained) to the point of tears right now. I believe I have a high tolerance for pain. At least three medical professionals (my doctor, my chiropractor and my dentist) have confirmed this, so I believe it to be true. There are days, however, when the pain gets to be too much. This is one of those days. Couple that with the discouragement of majorly elevated blood sugar (due to a new anti-inflammatory medication) requiring me to go back on Glipizide and we enter prime binge territory ... or what would have been prime binge territory two months ago.
I tell you, it's like a switch has been flipped. The thought of seeking comfort from food feels so foreign to me, a world away. I know the truth now ... that food does not bring comfort, only momentary distraction. Actually, it's more than knowing. I fancy myself a fairly intelligent person who's always known that food doesn't bring comfort. However, I've been helpless (or so it seemed) in the past to resist the call of sugary sweet, fat laden confections that always called my name in situations such as these. But I don't hear their voices today, at least not over the sound of my crying. But what I do hear, in spite of my tears, is the still small voice of my Comforter telling me that He holds all things together and I don't have to. Yeah ... I 'm not even gonna try to hold it together today, Lord. You've got this ... You've got me. Pity party over.
I tell you, it's like a switch has been flipped. The thought of seeking comfort from food feels so foreign to me, a world away. I know the truth now ... that food does not bring comfort, only momentary distraction. Actually, it's more than knowing. I fancy myself a fairly intelligent person who's always known that food doesn't bring comfort. However, I've been helpless (or so it seemed) in the past to resist the call of sugary sweet, fat laden confections that always called my name in situations such as these. But I don't hear their voices today, at least not over the sound of my crying. But what I do hear, in spite of my tears, is the still small voice of my Comforter telling me that He holds all things together and I don't have to. Yeah ... I 'm not even gonna try to hold it together today, Lord. You've got this ... You've got me. Pity party over.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
My Favorite Five
The grandkids and I played a "game" today. It was called "If you were stranded on a deserted island and could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?" I know ... long name for a game. It took about as long to play it as it takes to say it. Then there's the reality that food would be very sparse on a deserted island, but, hey ... it was a game. My 12 year old granddaughter's one food was burritos. My 10 year old grandson's was tacos. My youngest granddaughter wasn't present at this "play date," but I'm pretty sure her choice would have been macaroni and cheese. She is, after all, five years old.
What I realized as we were "playing" and talking about all kinds of different foods was that I really haven't been thinking about food much at all lately. Not as I have previously obsessed ... ummm ... thought ... about it on past diets. Though, to call this a diet is really not accurate. Well ... it is in the sense that whatever you eat, that is your diet, but I think you get my drift.
There is something so empowering about knowing what foods are good for your body (whole, plant-based, calorie light, but nutritionally dense, unprocessed--or as close to that as possible) and just keeping to those foods. Eating whenever you are hungry. Filling yourself, but not overfilling. I have definitely settled in to a rhythm.
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Air-fried (no oil added) potatoes. |
- Air fried potatoes
- Oatmeal Bars
- Beans and Rice (brown)
- Potato Corn Chowder
- Chips and dip (hummus/salsa, spinach, etc.)
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Creamy cauliflower and veggie soup w/ sweet corn tomalito. |
You will also most likely find some sort of baked oatmeal bars. I make a batch of these at least once a week. Sometimes twice a week. This is my newest favorite way of eating oatmeal. They are great for a quick breakfast or a grab and go meal or snack.
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Low fat vegan spinach dip w/ whole wheat tortilla chips. |
I also try to make a pot of soup once a week and have single servings ready to go in the fridge or freezer for a quick lunch or a first course. If it's not potato corn chowder, it's a lentil and vegetable soup or a creamy cauliflower and vegetable soup.
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Triple oat bars made with oat flour, oat bran and quick oats,
sweetened with just fruit and a little stevia.
These are all foods that I can eat with no reservations and no moderation necessary. Of course no healthy diet is complete without a variety of fruits and veggies, both of which I am getting plenty of. They're just not as exciting to write about! What is exciting ... very exciting indeed ... is that I know that this is sustainable ... something I can do for the rest of my life. I'm in my sixth week now with no straying. It's a habit. And oh ... by the way ... I've lost 18 pounds, and lowered my blood sugar, and lowered my cholesterol, and stopped two medications (Glipizide for diabetes and Pravastatin for cholesterol)... yup ... exciting stuff!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Food For Thought
"Because it's all about the food, 'bout the food, it's plant based.
It's all about the food, 'bout the food, it's plant based.
It's all about the food, 'bout the food, it's plant based.
It's all about the food, 'bout the food ..."
Sorry ... my brain just does that sometimes. Anyway ... for me, it has never been, and probably will never be, just about the food. Some years ago I realized that this was a spiritual battle for me as well as a physical battle. I'd like to say that at that moment of revelation (conviction) I was able to turn things around by dealing with it as such ... but, obviously not.
So what's different now? I'm not exactly sure except that this time I have realized that I am powerless to make any changes on my own. I've tried it on my own too many times and it just doesn't work ... Willpower didn't work. Everything in moderation didn't work. Countless fad (and unhealthy) diets didn't work. Counting calories/carbs/points, etc. didn't work.
But that was then and this is now. And this is DAY ONE of the rest of my life ... DAY ONE of the best of my life (Yes ... another song reference). And today I'm calling on God's Holy Spirit, trusting in Him to do the work in me that He desires ... to bring my eating, drinking, exercising habits (or lack thereof) in line with His will for me ... to be Lord over every single part of my life and finish the good work that He started.
It may be that I continue to lose weight, it may be (hopefully/prayerfully) that my health will continue to improve. It may be that ... well ... I actually can't think of a third point, but whatever it may be, I know that I'm done trying to work it on my own. I am relying on His power. Holy Spirit you are welcome here ... Hmmm... now that makes me want to start singing another song ...
"Holy Spirit you are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory God is what my heart longs for
To be overcome by your presence, Lord."
Yeah ... that's my food today.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Magic Diet Pill
Eureka! I have found it! That "magic diet pill" that I have dreamed of ... even longed for. ... something that I can pop into my mouth, chase with a little H2O, and wait for it to work its wonders without me having to work at all! It actually exists! And, in the past five weeks (since July 31 to be precise), I have experienced 15 pounds of fat "magically" disappear from my body!
Yes ... I HAVE FOUND IT!!! Only ... it's not a pill. And it's not magic. It's plant-based, whole foods ... as much as I want, whenever I want. I kid you not. I have not gone hungry. I have not had to exercise will power. (Or my body for that matter, though I do intend to begin that soon.) and I have not had to take any appetite-suppressing or fat-burning, seemingly "natural," supplements to aid in the process. No ... this process has been as natural as eating.
Yes ... I HAVE FOUND IT!!! Only ... it's not a pill. And it's not magic. It's plant-based, whole foods ... as much as I want, whenever I want. I kid you not. I have not gone hungry. I have not had to exercise will power. (Or my body for that matter, though I do intend to begin that soon.) and I have not had to take any appetite-suppressing or fat-burning, seemingly "natural," supplements to aid in the process. No ... this process has been as natural as eating.
So, in addition to the lowering of cholesterol, the lessening of inflammation, a lower dosage of anti-inflammatory medication, the lowering of blood sugar and the elimination of one oral diabetes medication, I have also experienced a pretty good weight loss. That is major incentive for continuing ... which I majorly need today as I deal with significant pain. Not new pain ... old pain ... that's getting really old! A byproduct, I believe, of previous poor diet choices and my body's reaction to those choices over the course of years. But I know I am on the right track to reverse all that. No magic and no pills necessary. Just potatoes, pasta, corn, rice, beans, fruits and veggies ... whole, healthy, healing, satisfying foods.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
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