
Monday, February 12, 2018

Before and now ...

I thought it was time for a before and now photo ... After is still to come.
 I've still got another 50 or so pounds to go, but here's a photo from six months ago, 
before going whole food plant based, and a now photo ...

And here's a shocker ... even to me ... I don't remember being that overweight. 
Of course, there are very few picture of me at this weight because I 
hated having my picture taken. I was at my heaviest here, about 13 years ago.

Friday, February 9, 2018

No No Nightshades!

It looks like I am going to have to come up with a few more substitutes. This time for potatoes, tomatoes and bell peppers. I have decided that I need to go nightshade free to see if that will help combat my inflammation. The pain is just becoming unbearable and my doctor will not fill my meloxicam prescription anymore. I also just reordered a tumeric supplement, realizing that I have been off that for a few weeks now since I ran out and didn't reorder. Hopefully that will help because having to give up these three foods is a far more daunting task than giving up meat and dairy! One I am not really looking forward to. I actually am quite depressed about it. I love potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. I use them all the time and they help comprise some of my most comforting foods. That being said, I do realize that my relationship with food and it's roll in affording me comfort is changing, as well it should.
No more fries and ketchup!

The pain isn't the only reason, however. I have developed another inflammatory/auto-immune disease. Psoriasis. Ugh! It started in small patches on my head and just grew and grew. Now it's traveling down my forehead ... below my bangs! I received a topical medication from the dermatologist, but it really hasn't helped.

No more (tomato) pizza sauce or bell peppers!
So ... so long loaded baked potatoes, air fried potatoes ... all things potato! Adios chips with salsa ... wonderful, awesome homemade salsa with tomatoes fresh from the garden. Bye bye bell pepper pizza ... you were some of my favorites and will be sorely (no pun intended) missed.