
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Love At First Bite ... (aka My JSP Experience)

I am in love! I had Japanese sweet potatoes (JSP) for the first time today … air fried on top of my chopped salad. I got the idea from Tami at Nutmeg Notebook. This is actually the second batch I air fried, ‘cause the first batch didn’t make it to the salad. After the first bite, I was a goner … well, actually, they were. With their super sweet, crunchy, carmelized outer layer giving way to an only slightly less sweet, all soft and warm inside ... I fell ... hard. JSP where have you been all my life?!

I usually take my lunch break in front of the TV, before I have to head back to work. Not today. No. This meal deserved more attention than it would get with my feet up in the recliner, watching a saved episode of The Good Doctor. Today I actually sat down at the table. I even lit a candle. Well … flipped the switch anyway. It's an electronic candle. What we were going for here was ambience. I just wanted to be alone with my salad. Yeah … THAT GOOD!
And since I was sitting there, I decided to go all out and have dessert after. I had made chocolate mousse last night and had one leftover serving in the fridge. It was the perfect ending to my perfect meal.

If you try these JSP  "croutons" I strongly suggest you use a large sweet potato, and use the WHOLE thing. I thought I could get away with using half of one but, believe me, you want to have one of these sweet morsels in each and every mouthful of salad.

Here's a link to Nutmeg Notebook's  blog post about her chopped salad with the JSP croutons.

And here's the link to the chocolate mousse recipe I used. It's a pdf file from the website where I found it. This way you don't have to wade through the blog post ads and stuff.

I've been using a lemon dijon dressing lately on my salads. If you want that recipe let me know in the comments below.

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